November 02, 2011


Wilds as our oceans are this week I'm totally drawn to the organic look of the creatures that live within.

Of course I had to make some in each metal.

I have large ones to make in silver and brass but thought it was fun to play.

A simple idea which probably has been done before but I love it.

Sea Urchin in Brass

Sea Urchin in Copper {Large}

Sea Uchin in Silver with peruvian blue Opal

I will be listing one or two of these tomorrow 

I'm feeling much better now apart from this awful cold and my website is up and running ~ still waiting on the transfers of the domain names but at least the website is up.  Its has a whole new look {link at the top} let me know what you think?

Thanks for all your handholding and wise words while I had my meltdown ~ I really appreciated it all ♥
Much love



  1. I've just had a look at your website, and it looks amazing! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Love the texture of those pieces.


Thanks so much for stopping by to post a comment ~ I love reading them and even if I don't have chance to reply please know I appreciate each and every word ♥