April 29, 2013


Life's a journey 

With Mountains so high
and valleys so low

Sometimes the trek seems too tough 
the terrain is hard going

Other days the sky is sunny 
and the view so spectacular    
life seems a breeze.

 But we are moving freely like a feather,

 Journey Onwards embracing every moment

 My new range is inspired by Feathers,
and the Journey

My new great feeling of health has been my muse I think!
I feel like a new chapter has begun in my life,
and I know I am not the only one!

Many of these pieces are already listed in my Etsy shop

So take a look (and if you want anything reserving please just send me message)

Thanks for reading



  1. Wow, your new range is so beautiful. I love how you make new pieces look like they are already old, wise and carry a story.
    My favourite is the necklace with the green stone, I think.

    So glad you're back in good health!

  2. Gorgeous pieces Jo.


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