September 19, 2011

Dancing Leaves

This pendant has been in my head for months,

what was i waiting for? 
My silver .... my time!

Sawing out this many leaves takes time don't you know ;0)

Falling Leaves

I think the wait was worth it!

I will be listing this one ~ if all goes to plan this week.



  1. That's beautiful, Jo--really unique design!

  2. *picks jaw up from floor*. Beautiful!

  3. Jo, this was certainly worth the wait! I love it, want it, need it!!!! LOL

    I can only imagine the patience it would take to saw out this many leaves... *faints*

    Stunning work as always, my talented friend!!!


  4. Ohh... wonderful piece, Jo. So much in tune with the weather right now.

  5. Thanks Ivy, Vy, B, Amber and Magda :)

    I feel a lot of this style pendant appearing in the future ;0)

  6. Gorgeous pendant...a lot of movement which I like.


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