October 12, 2011

A long, long time ago

In fact I think it was at least 3 years ago!
I belonged to a very special boutique
it was filled with very talented people who did things with wire, that truly blew my mind! 
Oh and then there was me lol!!

Anyway to cut a long story short ~ I sent a ton of my wirewrapped pieces to the owner.
They were off to a Christmas Fair to be sold or thats what we hoped.
After a few months the owner disappeared ~ no contact just silence.

I kept quiet for the humiliation of loosing my work ~ it was one of the reasons my work evolved so quickly
I suppose!

Then a week or so ago, a miracle ~ a phone call ~ the disappearance was explained.

I forgave the owner and myself ...
and I got my babies back!!!!

My work has changed so much what do I do with it all??
Well, I change it to my today style! 
Piece 1
These piece was pretty basic wire wrapping  and needed not a lot

want to see??

I like the look ~ she's become Shabby Chic!
if you want to see some more of my old style 

One piece has already gone to a new home but if there is anything there you are interested in BEFORE I revamp it let me know 



  1. That piece was lovely before, and it's even lovelier now! I can't wait to see what you do with the others :-)

  2. Wow, that would have to be one hell of an excuse to be MIA for that long with someone's property!

  3. Your wire-wrapped pieces are so pretty Jo but I love how you revamped the necklace above...love the heart and the beaded chain.

  4. Thanks so much for the comments :)

    Jaime ~ it was something I knew about before but hadn't realised how awful it had got ~ easier in a way to forgive ;0)


Thanks so much for stopping by to post a comment ~ I love reading them and even if I don't have chance to reply please know I appreciate each and every word ♥