April 26, 2010

Weekend Blues

Butterfly blues ~ available

Ok I haven't got the blues really, well apart from the weekend being over again ~ mind you the speed in which the time flies it will be back again tomorrow ~ lol ~ or will at least feel like it.  Last week sun was a joy to feel on my skin ~ I do think I am a *sun* person ~ it makes me happy.

The wind was cold though and this week its definently warmer ~ but the sun is not out ~ yet ~ there is still time and I am hoping she will show her face at some point today.

I will be listing Butterfly Blues today on Etsy for anyone who is interested :) 



  1. That pendant is so darn sweet, Jo. I LOVE the butterfly and the little flower details. Lovely lovely lovely.... *happy sigh*

  2. It's absolutely wonderful!! That little butterfly is adorable! It's kind of a shame it's on the back. I think you should do something along this line where you make the butterfly and flower on the front!

  3. Hey, I'm right behind you on the backside-love ;-)
    As you know from this piece http://phantasteria.blogspot.com/2010/04/what-to-do-with-large-cabochon.html I find backsides very interesting to decorate, because they become the owners own little secret -only for the chosen few (or many) to see.
    I think your fluttery backside is fabulous :-)


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