March 05, 2011

Happy St Pirans Day

Being a cornish girl in heart and soul I have to wish you all a Happy St Pirans day  ~ to us in Cornwall St Pirans day is like St George's Day to the English, St Andrews to the Scottish and of course St Davids day to the Welsh.  Many hundreds of years ago Cornwall was a country which was annexed as a county of England ~ was it to do with the richness of land or because of the uprising of the people in 1549 {read HERE for more information } we had our own language (and no I sadly can't speak it) ~
Henry VIII even listed England and Cornwall separately in the list of his realms given in his coronation address and, interestingly, Elizabeth I stated that she did not rule Cornwall (but Cornish was among the languages she was reputed to speak)ry VIII even listed England and Cornwall separately in the list of his realms given in his coronation address and, interestingly, Elizabeth I stated that she did not rule Cornwall (but Cornish was among the languages she was reputed to speak)
Cornish people are strong and loyal to the county as any celt is loyal to their part of the country.  Its a beautiful part of the world with many creative people making it their home I personally think this is because of the inspiration and beauty of the landscape as well as the mystical feeling the lands give off.

Right no more talk today about my beloved land .. off to the studio



  1. Happy St Pirins Day to you! Iwas lucky enough to spend a few years living there and have to admit it never quite leaves your soul! Marie x

  2. I agree Marie ~ Cornwall will be with you forever ;) Thanks for stopping by x


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